Tuesday, 30 November 2010

10 London Duels

1.Sir George Wharton v. Sir James Stuart,
Both .men were leading figures at the court court of James. I but both had a reputation for violence and dissipation. A quarrel between Wharton and the Earl of Pembroke over cards had nearly finished duel and only the intervention of the king had prevented it. In l'609, another argument at the gaming table, this time between Wharton and Sir James Stuart resulted in a duel which the king was unable to' stop fighting with rapier and dagger in fields at Canonbury, the two men both died. 'At the first thrust each of them killed the other,' according to a contemporary report, 'and they fell dead in each Other's
2The Field of the
The name was given to an area behind the British Museum, long covered over by Montague Street. The name came from a story, probably apocryphal, of two brothers who fought a duel over a woman on the site at the time of the Duke of Monmouth-s rebellion in 1685. Both were killed and the forty impressions of their feet, made on the ground as they paced away from One another before firing their pistols, remained there for many-years afterwards.
3.Lord Mohun and Duke of Hamilton, 1712
The fourth Baron Mohun was an inveterate dueller who had twice been charged and twice acquitted of murder but he made a fatal mistake when, aggravated by a long dispute between the two men Over a property in the north of England, he challenged the Duke of Hamilton to cross swords with him. When they met in Hyde Park, the Duke ran Mohun through and then moved to his side to offer assistance. Mohun, gentlemanly to the last, stabbed him in the stomach. Both men died. There is a fictional account of the duel in Thackeray's novel, The History of Henry Esmond.
4.William Byron v. William Chaworth, Star and Garter Inn, 1765
William Byron, 5th Baron Byron was the great-uncle of the poet and already had a reputation for violence and villainy before a tavern quarrel with his kinsman, William Chaworth, supposedly over the best way to hang game, ended in a duel. The fight took place in a back room of the Star and Garter Inn in Pall Mall and, in the dimly lit space, Byron stabbed Chaworth in the stomach. Chaworth lived on for a day, complaining only about the fact that he had been stupid enough to fight in a room where the light was too poor for him to see his opponent properly. Byron, soon to be known as the 'Wicked Lord', was tried by his peers in the House of Lords and, found guilty of manslaughter, was fined. The sword he had used to kill Chaworth was given pride of place on the wall of his bedroom at the family estate at Newstead Abbey in Nottinghamshire.
5.Charles Edward Fox v. William Adam, 1779
Fox was a scathing critic of Lord North's policies in America and the duel was fought against one of North's supporters whom he had denounced. It was suggested by his second that Fox, a large man, should stand sideways to minimise the chances of being hit. Fox refused, remarking, 'I'm as thick one way as the other!'
6.Lady Almeria Braddock v. Mrs Elphinstone, Hyde Park, 1792
The so-called 'petticoat duel' resulted from a heated discussion between the two women about Lady Braddock's true age. Pistol shots were exchanged, one of which blew off Lady Braddock's hat, and the two women then crossed swords and fenced until Mrs Elphinstone was wounded slightly in the arm. Wisely, she then chose to apologise to her opponent for doubting her word about her age and the duel came to an end.
7.Humphrey Howarth MP v. Lord Barrymore, 1806
Howarth stripped naked before the duel because, he claimed, he didn't want to run the risk that pieces of his clothing might enter any wounds he might receive and infect them. Acutely aware of the absurdity of exchanging pistol shots with a nude man, Barrymore withdrew from the. encounter.
8.Castlereagh v. Canning, Putney Heath, 1809
One of the few occasions when two Cabinet ministers have tried to solve their differences with a pistol fight, the duel between George Canning, then Foreign Secretary, arid Lord Castlereagh, Secretary of State for War and the Colonies, took place at the height of the war against Napoleon. The two men had quarrelled over the deployment of troops in Europe and Castlereagh, discovering what he believed to be a plot between Canning and the Prime Minister to oust him from office, challenged his rival to a duel. The duel took place on Putney Heath on 21 September 1809. Canning, who had never fired a pistol in his life, unsurprisingly missed his opponent. Castlereagh, more expert, shot Canning in the thigh. Both men lost office later in the same year, although not as a direct consequence of trying to kill one another.
9.John Scott v. JH Christie, Chalk Farm, 1821
A literary quarrel that escalated into violence, the argument between John Scott, the editor of the London Magazine and another journalist, JH Christie, began with debate about the merits of writers like Keats and Hazlitt and ended in a moonlit duel at Chalk Farm. Christie fired in the air, after Scott had missed, but Scott's second refused to accept that honour had been satisfied and demanded that another exchange of shots should be made. Scott again missed but Christie, firing this time towards his opponent, shot him through the hips and the intestine.
Scott died ten days later.
10. Duke of Wellington v. Lord Winchilsea, Battersea Fields, 1829
When Wellington-became prime minister, one of his first acts - although it was one that was forced on him and he was unwilling to do it - was to give Roman Catholics a greater role in public life. According to a backwoods peer called Lord Winchilsea, in allowing the Catholic Emancipation Act to pass, the duke had 'treacherously plotted the destruction of the Protestant constitution'. Wellington responded to the criticism by challenging Winchilsea to a duel. When the two men met at Battersea Fields on 21 March, they both deliberately fired to miss. Honour having been satisfied, Winchilsea apologised for his remarks. This is the last occasion in which a British PM fought a duel.

Monday, 29 November 2010

Few ways to avoid rental scams in London

In the last few years the market of rentals spot a huge growth not only in the fields of the long term rentals but also in the category of the vacation rentals, short term accommodations and business apartments. The the demand of this services and facilities increases the supply few times and buying a property for investment purpose become more attractive investment even after the reals estate market crash few years ago. As everything thing bringing more and more money it attracts more and more scams. Traveling abroad and deciding to choose as a stay place instead of a hotel can look more exiting and attractive but selection of the trusted and loyal companies offering such properties can be time consuming and cost you a lot of hours spend in reading the forums feedback and discount site's policy. Having in mind that the London is one of the most expensive cities in the world a lower price of the accommodation should ring your bell that something is wrong. When browsing to select your cheap holiday apartment in London there are few thing you may put more attention in order for you to avoid scams or other ways you may be cheated. You intuition is a good for the start but is absolutely not enough for you to be sure about your choice. It is not just recommenced but it can become a must for you not to pay for your booking by western union or other untraceable way to the unknown receiver. Also there are to two ways of payment of the price for the stay which more of the companies are practicing. You are either paying the whole amount together plus security deposit before your arrival or you can just pay a the part from the amount and the rest after your arrival in the apartment. Usually except the price it is required a security deposit which should be returned after the end of the stay period. Unfortunately this may turn into another reason for scams as there are becoming more often the cases when companies simply does not return this deposits or keep them with the explanation that there are additional charges applying or for cleaning etc. in case you are not able to visit company's office by your own check all their contact details as much they are as better for you. The trusted companies are publishing all types if contact details from email, phone, Skype, contact persons names and offices address. You can also find their partners published on their website which is not essential but may help you to feel better. Also the company should be able to provide you with the references of the previous users. Don't feel uncomfortable to ask questions as much you are asking as more things about the company, company's police and satisfaction from the services you will learn. At last just Google it as usually people said you can receive as much information as you can't even imaging: positive, negating neutral doesn't really matter if the company is real there should be all of these kinds.

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Kensington Palace one of the marks of London

Kensington Palace is located in the Kensington Gardens and is considered as one of the marks of English capital. The gardens was part from the Hyde Park before they were officially divided and now for its beginning is considered western part from the park. In the far 1689 it was the royal residence of the King due to the fact that the air there helps him to improve his asthma condition. The palace was improved by Sir Christopher Wren and the way for carriages was made from the corner of the Hyde park to the residence. Later in the palace are was designed an Orangery for Queen Anne by Sir John Vanbrugh together with the magnificent garden. The general view of the Kensington Gardens was created by George II and remains till now when the park is used as a public area. The most famous and loved person from the not far past who lived in the palace was Princess Diana who moved there shortly after her marriage with Price Charles. The place was her residence after the divorce too, right to her dead. Now it is turned into a tourist attraction and is open for visitors who can walk trough all the rooms see the ceremonial dresses of some members of the royal family, participate some of the expositions held in. Another memorial of may be most loved royalty Prices Diana is her memorial Playground and her fountain. For the lovers of the tradition history and architecture a day spend in that place will be a celebration of all senses. You can enjoy e traditional English tea there to complete the remarkable experience. Good tip is to find yourself accommodation somewhere around so you can try the morning jogging or simple walk. In case the is no suitable hotel you can always count on the shot term apartments in London as an option for the good place to stay in.

Friday, 12 November 2010

Shopping in London

For shopaholics there are no specific time for shopping it should only fits to the shops opening time and closing time. They don't care about the weather forecast neither about the seasons what is important is when the new collection will arrive and one of the main reasons for them to live is word SALE, SALE and SALE again. Every addicted to shopping person knows that there are couple of top destinations for it and few times during the entire year when the best bargains can be done. One of these top destination is London which is the paradise for shopaholics especially before and after the Christmas holidays when the higher discounts are available. For all the lovers of designer shops the best places to go are Knightsbridge, New Bond Road and Sloane Square. Visiting them is a wonderful experience no matter that you won't buy anything you will be glad just to look around Another shop which worth is Fortnum and Mason in Piccadilly where the Queen is known to shop. In case you take your kids to this shopping tour don’t forget to take them to Hamleys Toy Shop in Regent Street which is one of the best toy stores in the world. Your kid will fee like Alice in the Wonderland. Oxford Street is famous with its lovely shops which include Marks & Spencer, Topshop and other stylish outlets such as Mango, H & M and Zara. In the past Kings Road in Chelsea and Carnaby Street off Regent Street were main places to go shopping. Not far from there is Kingly Court with its many trendy shops, cafes and restaurants. After the exhausting shopping you can relax as a real English by having traditions English tea in one of numerous teashops. Everyone who come to London just for the shopping prefer to stay in some of the cheap holiday apartments in London so they can save more money which will be spent on shopping. Even though you are not one of those addicted to the shopping people you may enjoy the city and the coziest of some of those cheap holiday apartments in London which will make you feel like at home during your stay

Tuesday, 2 November 2010


1. Eel Pie Island
Previously known as Twickenham Ait, it was re-named after a tavern, long demolished, which was famous for its eel pies. In Dickens's novel Nicholas Nickleby one of the characters visits Eel Pie Island, 'there to make merry upon a cold collation, bottled beer, shrub, and shrimps, and to dance in the open air to the music of a locomotive band, conveyed thither for the purpose'. Described recently by Simon Hoggart as 'a strange village marooned in the middle of the river, which looks as if it might float off towards Kent at any moment', Eel Pie Island is now best known for its rock music connections. The Eel Pie Hotel played host to dozens of famous names in the 1960s. The Rolling Stones, The Who, The Yardbirds, Long John Baldry, Eric Clapton and Rod Stewart all performed on the island between 1962 and 1967.
2.Oliver's Island, Kew
Facing Strand-on-the-Green, the island is allegedly named after Oliver Cromwell whose daughter Mary lived nearby.
3.Chiswick Eyot
This is the only island on the course of the Boat Race.
4.Trowlock Island, Teddington
Named after a type of Thames barge called a 'trow', the island is a third of a mile long and has a small population living in the two dozen bungalows that have been built on it. Access is by a hand-wound chain ferry.
+1. Isle of Dogs
Actually a peninsula, the Isle of Dogs was first named as such on a late sixteenth-century map and it's speculated that it took this name because Henry VIII kennelled his hunting dogs there. Pepys visited there and had a miserable time. 'So we were fain to stay there, in the unlucky Isle of Doggs,' he wrote in his diary in July 1665, 'in a chill place, the morning cool, and wind fresh, above two if not three hours to our great discontent'. The area only became economically significant with the building of the docks in the early nineteenth century. The West India Dock, built in 1802, was big enough to accommodate six hundred ships. The Isle of Dogs was suggested as a site for the Great Exhibition of 1851 but, probably wisely, the authorities decided that Hyde Park was a better place to stage it.
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Monday, 18 October 2010


The seven city gates, most of them built in the first instance by I he Romans (although, like the Wall, they were regularly rebuilt and renovated through the centuries), were all demolished at the beginning of the 1760s. They were:
1. Aldersgate
First built by the Romans but named after an otherwise unknown Saxon called Ealdred, the gate stood opposite what is now 62 Aldersgate Street and led out into Watling Street, the Roman road to Dover. It was the gate through which James I, having journeyed from Scotland, first entered his new capital city in 1603.
2.  Aldgate
When he was appointed Controller of the Customs for hides, skins and wools in the port of London in 1374, Geoffrey Chaucer was granted a lease on a dwelling above Aldgate. The gate was demolished, along with the others, in the early 1760s, although it was briefly re-erected at Bethnal Green.
3. Bishopsgate
The gate takes its name from a seventh-century Bishop of London, Eorconweald, who had it rebuilt on its Roman foundations during his episcopacy. In the Middle Ages, the bishops of London made hinges for the gate and in return received one stick from every cart of wood that passed through it. The gate stood opposite where the NatWest Tower now stands.
4. Cripplegate
The derivation of its name - either from the cripples who gathered there to beg or from the fact that there was a hospital for cripples close to the site - would seem to be straightforward but scholars are not certain. It could derive from an Anglo-Saxon word 'crepel' meaning 'underground passage'. It was through Cripplegate that Elizabeth I rode into her capital for the first time as queen.
5. Ludgate
Traditionally supposed to have been built by the legendary King Lud in the first century bc, the gate was almost certainly, like most of the others, the work of the Romans. It stood opposite St Martin's Church on Ludgate Hill.
6. Moorgate
Not built until the fifteenth century, Moorgate led out of the City Wall into fields and fens beyond. Demolished in 1762, along with its older fellows, its stones were recycled and used to shore up London Bridge.
7. Newgate
As the name suggests, Newgate was built after the Romans had built many of the other city gates but it still dated back to at least the ninth century and possibly even earlier. The prison, for which it is best remembered, was in existence in the area by the twelfth century.
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Wednesday, 6 October 2010

I never knew that about London - Kensington

Kensington High Street
No Expense Spared
One of London's best-kept secrets can be found 100 ft (30 m) up on top of the old Derry & Toms building at 99 Kensington High Street. Laid out in 1938, the Kensington Roof Gardens cover 1V2 acres (0.6 ha) and form the biggest roof gardens in Europe. There are three different gardens, with 500 species of plants, fountains, a
stream, ducks, flamingos, a restaurant and a night-club. Since 1981 the gardens have been owned by Richard Branson's Virgin group and are used for functions and hospitality.
No. 18 Stafford Terrace was the home of Linley Sambourne, the Punch cartoonist. The house and contents have been preserved unchanged as an authen­tic Victorian experience and can be visited at weekends.
Kensington Palace Gardens, or 'Billionaire's Boulevard' which runs between Notting Hill Gate and Kens­ington High Street behind Kensington Palace, is regarded as London's most exclusive address. It is certainly London's most expensive address. In 2005 Britain's richest man, steel magnate Lakshmi Mittal, is thought to have paid Bernie Ecclestone £70 million for Nos. 18—19 Kensington Palace Gardens -making it, at the time, the most expen­sive house in the world.
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Thursday, 30 September 2010

Why most of the people prefer London serviced apartments than hotels

People visit London for different reasons – holidays, studies, business. There are different forms of accommodation this cosmopolitan city offers: all kinds of hotels and of course London serviced apartments. These serviced apartments are very comfortable and flexible.
These apartments are best suited for business people who always visit London for meetings and business affairs. This means that these apartments are available for temporary stay, but also you can buy one of these London serviced apartments.
These serviced apartments are very homely and have all the facilities that are being used in home for household purposes. One or two-bedroom flat with a separate, fully equipped kitchen, bathroom and a nice living room make them just look like your home. They are very economical as anyone can afford it.
These apartments have all the qualities of hotels along with home facilities. If you have always desired living at high standard places of accommodation then you are going to really like these apartments as they are built by keeping those persons in mind.
If you are thinking of buying one of these serviced apartments then you need to contact a company offering serviced apartment London, but there are certain things that you need to make sure while contacting a company. Make sure that the company you are hiring has all the information regarding the market. You should first contact the online address of http://www.rentholidayapartmentlondon.co.uk as they are very good at providing services regarding London serviced apartments. They offer a wide variety of serviced apartments ranging from one bedroom apartment to two bedroom apartments. All their apartments are well furnished and well made. If you want more information regarding us and our services then visit us at http://www.rentholidayapartmentlondon.co.uk/

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

London's public transport for disabled passengers

The tube has historically been problematic for disabled passengers, with wheelchair accessibility (lift access to platforms) limited to a handful of mostly overland tube stations. However, the situation is constantly improving and all new and modernised transport developments incorporate disabled access as a matter of course, and include lift access, step-free access, and both audible and visual information systems. Some disabled passengers are also eligible for a Freedom Pass giving them free travel within the London transport network. The Docklands Light Railway and Tramlink are fully accessible,and the new stations on the Jubilee line offer lift access.
All regular bus routes (excluding heritage and tourist services) now use "low floor" or "kneeling" buses that can be accessed by passengers in wheelchairs (though there tends to be room for only one wheelchair per bus) and those less mobile. Wheelchair users can use buses for free without showing any kind of pass (companions do have to pay however). All buses also have stopping signs, palm press bells,and colour-contrasted handrails.
Many trains are able to accommodate wheelchairs and all the major London mainline stations have accessible toilets. Given notice, most train companies aim to guarantee assistance at larger stations to those who are in a wheelchair or need wheelchair assistance, or who are blind, partially sighted, deaf, or registered disabled. Phone National Rail Enquiries on 08457 484950 to make arrangements. A discount of one-third is available on fares to disabled passengers (and one companion) who qualify for a Disabled Persons Railcard. For criteria and further information go to www.disabledpersons-railcard.co.uk.

Money Matters - credit cards

Gienerally all you will find you need to open a bank account is a UK address and roof of earnings. The last 20 years have witnessed a massive expansion of the anking services sector in this country.There was a time when banks and build-societies were a relatively straightforward matter, with most people holding current (checking) account at one of the main high street banks, a savings ac-ountand a mortgage at a building society, and maybe a credit card from one of -andful of credit card companies.Those days are gone. Many building societies ave forgone their mutual status and converted into banks. All major banks and wilding societies offer a comprehensive range of personal financial services be-ond simple bank accounts. All manner of other companies, from supermarkets to football clubs, also now offer their own financial products. Phew! Of course there is no shortage of people out there, in the guise of financial advisers and mortgage brokers willing to offer their guidance at a price, but really the only way to make sense of all this is to consider what your requirements are and shop around for the best deals.Doing your research will almost certainly pay dividends. As usual, a bewildering number of web sites have sprung up to meet the need for advice and up-to-date tips and comparisons.

Again, all the high street banks offer Visa or MasterCard credit cards, and so, it
would seem, does more or less everyone else. Credit has become very easy to
obtain in recent years and credit cards are heavily marketed by direct mail and e-mail offers.There are thousands of deals out there, often offering very tempting
0% introductory rates on balance transfers and purchases. Despite the ease with which you can get your hands on all this extra spending power, it's worth taking time to consider carefully the risks and problems associated with falling into debt,and of course examining the small print of interest rates and time scales of any deal that appeals to you. Note: whereas Visa and MasterCard are nearly al accepted, American Express and Diner's Club sometimes aren't.

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Useful tips to start a business

Starting a business involves making key financial decisions and completing a series of legal activities. In today's world of computers and Internet you can get started with your business with absolute ease. You need to follow certain strategies.All great businessmen started their careers with acute shortage of funds. They succeeded because their approach was positive and needless to say different from others.

1.Research and Plan Your Business - A well-written business plan is essential to starting and running a business. Business plans are required when applying for business loans or seeking investors. A good business plan describes in detail a business' mission and goals, and how these goals will be achieved.
2.Get Business Assistance and Training
3.Choosing a Business Location - Selecting the right location involves basic considerations such as proximity to customers, ease of access, and leasing and zoning restrictions. Financial incentives and tax credits offered by your local government may also influence your your decision.
4.Finance Your Business - Find government backed loans, venture capital and research grants to help you get started. Federal, state and local governments offer a wide range of financing programs to help small businesses start and grow their operations.
5.Determine the Legal Structure of Your Business - Decide whether you are going to form a sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, corporation, non-profit or cooperative.Your form of business determines the amount of regulatory paperwork you have to file, your personal liability regarding investments into your business, and the taxes you have to pay.
6.Register a Business Name - Your business' legal name is required on all government forms and applications, including your application for employer tax IDs, licenses and permits. However, if you want to open a shop or sell your products under a different name, then you may have to file a "fictitious name" registration form with your government agency.
A fictitious name is a business name that is different than your personal name, the names of your partners or the officially registered name of your LLC or corporation.
7.Obtain Business Licenses and Permits - Get a list of federal, state and local licenses and permits required for your business.
8.Visit any Business Start Up exhibition in or out of your country.

Business Start Up 2010 held in Earls Court Exhibition Centre,London  is free for anyone thinking about starting a business or expanding a business. With over 140 seminars, over 200 exhibitors, advice, opportunities, and much more, can you afford to miss out?
If you don`t live in United Kingdom you can always rent apartment in London
near Earls Court Exhibition Centre.

Monday, 20 September 2010

Events in London – November

Here you can find usefull business exhibitions, congresses and interesting events in London during November

date 1/11/2010

What it’s about?

The Congress will once again bring together key decision makers in the world of sport. Major themes will include the opportunities and challenges associated with ‘Emerging Sport Nations,’ the vision and the mechanics behind preparations for the London 2012 Olympics & Paralympics, and the future direction of world football, on the eve of FIFA’s historic decision this December on who will host the World Cup in 2018 and 2022.

Where – Intercontinental Park lane,London

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  • CropWorld Congress & Exhibition London

date 1/11/2010
Providing the ultimate platform for stakeholders from across the crop production industry to network, share knowledge, grow business and develop relationships.
Where – Royal Victoria Dock  London
Rent apartments near Royal Victoria Dock  London
  • Online Information 2010

date 30/11/2010
“Online Information is the largest UK event dedicated to the information industry, providing an annual meeting place for the global information industry.
Attracting more than 9000 visitors each year from around the world, this unique free to attend* event consists of an exhibition with more than 200 international exhibitors plus an extensive educational show floor seminar programme.
The show covers 6 different areas
Venue – Grand Hall, Olympia,London
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date 30/11/2010
place: Grand Hall, Olympia,London
Online Information is the largest event dedicated to the information industry, providing an annual meeting place for the global information industry.
Content Resources ; ePublishing Solutions ; Library Management ; Content Management ; Search Solutions ; Social Media
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  • Mines and Money London 2010

date : 30/11/2010
place : Business Design Centre, London
Aspermont UK run a suite of successful seminars, conferences and industry events for the mining finance industry. These include Mines and Money London, Mines and Money Hong Kong and Mines and Money Beijing, Mining Journal’s Investor Seminars, Mining in a Day, The Russian and China Mining Symposium, GeoDrilling Show, Mining, People and the Environment and the Mining Magazine Congress. Aspermont UK also publish award-winning industry magazines.
  • AEGON Masters Tennis 2010 in London

date : 30/11/2010
place :  Royal Albert Hall, London
The AEGON Masters Tennis is the perfect combination of competitive and entertaining tennis in one of the UK’s most loved venues, the Royal Albert Hall.This unique event provides an exceptional experience from start to finish. You and your guests, be they friends, family or clients, will enjoy inspiring tennis from some of the greatest Legends on the ATP Champions Tour.
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  • Business Start Up 2010 in London

date : 30/11/2010
place : Warwick Road, London, SW5
Are you starting a business? As the industry-leader, Business Startup is free for anyone thinking about starting a business or expanding a business. With over 140 seminars, over 200 exhibitors, advice, opportunities, and much more, can you afford to miss out?
flats to rent near Warwick Road, London

Events in London – Octomber

Events in London – Octomber

Here you can find usefull business exhibitions, congresses and interesting events in London during Octomber

date 7/10/2010

The O2 Arena London
short term rental The O2 Arena London

Whether you’re new to feminism or a seasoned campaigner, come and join us at Feminism in London 2010, a one day conference organised by the London Feminist Network. The day is open to all women and pro-feminist men  and will feature many of the feminist activist groups that are campaigning in and around London. There will be talks, workshops and the chance to network.
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Thursday, 16 September 2010

Events in London – September

Here you can find usefull business exhibitions, congresses and interesting events in London

What it’s about?

The World Green Roof Congress (WGRC) brings together leading green roof experts from across the world, providing a platform for communicating the latest case studies, research and policy initiatives. This exciting and respected congress drives the uptake and implementation of green roofs, providing a greater understanding of their benefits and stimulates innovation.
Rent apartments London for the event

  • ad:tech London 

     date 21/09/2010 

    place : Olympia Exhibition Centre, London

For the sixth year in the UK, the online marketing and advertising community will gather together at ad:tech London to reveal the latest trends and market figures, share best practices and address industry challenges.
Rent an apartment london near Olympia Exhibition Centre, London

  • JAX LondonThe Conference for Java, Enterprise Architecture, Agile & Cloud
    date 27/09/2010
JAX London is the conference for everyone working with technologies such as Java, Enterprise Architecture, SOA and Agile Methodologies & Cloud.
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Rent Holiday apartment London with new web site

Rent Holiday Apartment London developed a new web site.
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Will be really appreciate if you share your impressions, advices and even dislikes